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The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul

Welcome to the online home of The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul

St Paul was a bold and zealous minister of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was perhaps THE most courageous of the Apostles. He was steadfast and he hid his message from no one. He was fearless in declaring the Good News of The Gospel. It is in his example that we formed The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul back in 2004, an organization which has now become a worldwide Brotherhood of Christian men who share the same commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of our Brothers of like precious faith. 


Membership in the Knights of St Paul is restricted to those who are consecrated into the Apostolic Succession in the lineage of St Paul. This is a traceable, verifiable lineage held in Vatican, Orthodox, Lutheran, OCR and other archives. The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul is in direct Apostolic Succession to St Paul and was established in 1996 as The Knights of St Paul. However on July 11, 2004  Apostolic Succession was conferred upon our founder in a ceremony in NYC and the name changed to The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul. 

Purpose and Ministry

The Purpose and Ministry of The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul are several. These are:

1: First and Foremost to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ, spreading the Gospel of Our Lord zealously, courageously and without fear.

2: To follow the example of St Paul in all aspects of faith, practice and morality even unto death, remaining loyal to Jesus Christ always.

3: To love our fellow man as Jesus did, ministering to all, never holding back when asked.

4: To love our Brothers in The Lord and their families, always upbuilding, never tearing down and giving of our lives to protect them

5: To perform charitable works in whatever capacity we are able, in secret and using the instructions found in Matthew 6:1-4


First and foremost you must be a Christian man of good character, knowledgeable of Scriptures and have good morals, integrity, and pure motives. You must live an upright and clean life. 

You must be willing to give of yourself in charitable works and be committed to prayer and faith.

You may apply to become a member individually or be invited to do so, and sponsored into The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul by a Knight who can attest to your good character and who shall be responsible for your actions until your dubbing ceremony. 

You must qualify and accept to be consecrated into the Apostolic Succession and meet the requirements which will be explained at your personal interview.

Once accepted you must make arrangements to have your formal consecration performed at the earliest convenience. 

You must understand that once vetted, trained and consecrated, you will be considered an ordained minister as well as a Knight of this Order and may perform all functions of ordained Christian clergy if you are not already authorized to do so by another ordaining body. 

Oath of The Knights of St Paul

On Oath; I agree to live a life of service to God and man in the example of St Paul. Always shall I remain loyal to my Lord Jesus Christ, and never shall I betray my Brothers of like precious faith.  I uphold the Holy Scriptures as The Word of God and will never hold back from proclaiming the Good News of The Christ. I will at all times speak truth and exemplify honesty, integrity and humility in all matters secular and religious. I will devote a set time each day to prayer and study and live a life of faith and charity and good works so that at the last trumpet call my Lord may say to me: " Well done my good and faithful slave. Well done." 

By Laws of The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul

We find that Scripture alone is sufficient as a code of conduct and By Laws. All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, reproving and settings things straight. Therefore nothing we can write and adopt as guidelines can compare to the guidelines in Scripture. Anything beyond Scripture as guidelines becomes a manmade rule and not necessary to our purpose and ministry, hence in all matters regarding faith and practice we refer to Scripture alone.

The version we use as authoritative is the King James Version. 

Members may use whichever they prefer but in matters that need to be settled within this organization, we will use the KJV only. 


What is expected of The Knight of St Paul?

First and foremost, total secrecy in our charitable works

We believe in the words of Jesus as found in Matthew 6:1-4. 

A Knight in the Holy Order will never reveal the name of the organization he represents as a whole to anyone we help unless specifically told to do so. 

A Knight will never reveal the identity of any Brother as a member of the KSP. Even a seemingly innocent request can be deceiving ( Matthew 2: 7-8, 13-18)

Member information will never be disclosed to anyone other than among the members themselves. This is for security purposes. Requests for information shall be directed to the Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul world headquarters only. 

All Brothers in this Holy Order are equal regardless of denominational background, race, color, social status, ethnicity, political affiliation, or any other manner. If a man is inducted into and consecrated by the Brotherhood of Knights after  complete vetting process, he is considered worthy as an Ambassador of Christ, he is considered an upstanding and righteous man of God and he has every equal standing and position as every other Knight. 

In each chapter, there shall be one Knight appointed by the world headquarters to officiate each meeting and event of the local chapter for the sake of good order. Respect shall be given to that man by the local chapter membership but the chairman of the local chapter shall not lord over the local body. The position is considered an honor, again for the sake of good order, but in no way reflects  a higher position than even the newest member. 

There are no 'degrees' of knighthood in The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul. A man is either a full member or he is not. Once consecrated to service of God and man through the Order, there are no further titles, degrees or levels of membership except for the Executive Council, which conducts the business affairs of the Order, (as any Board of Directors would do for any corporate body). The 'Protectorate' of the Order is the Presiding Bishop/Knight. That is the only 'title' differing from the entire membership and that title is strictly for good order. 

A Knight shall at all times offer refuge and protection from persecution of his Brother at no cost and in secrecy. This applies to any form of persecution as we believe is coming upon the Church and the faithful in these Last Days. This shall in no way apply to those who commit crimes and would attempt to use the charity of The Knights oath to evade law enforcement. This provision is intended to apply solely to religious persecution. 

A safe haven shall be provided by the Knights at the request of the headquarters for the protection of an individual not affiliated with the KSP, from domestic abuse or fear of grave bodily harm. This aid shall be rendered in secrecy and directions provided are to be adhered to explicitly. 

A Knight shall at all times examine Scripture, live by the example of St Paul, be steadfast and loyal to Christ and love his Brother as himself.

A Knight in this Order must care for his family and preside over his own household in a manner befittingThe Lord Jesus Christ, teach the Scriptures to his children in love and never exasperating but with the goal of raising godly children. 

 Types of Charitable Works

The types of charitable works performed by The Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul are many and varied. Here is a sample listing of the types of works we do:

Provide shelter in secrecy to victims of domestic abuse

Assist teen runaways to return home safely

Assist the elderly

Nursing home pastoral care, entertainment and visits

Hospice chaplaincy

Disaster relief

Counseling addicts and alcoholics as mentors and sponsors in a Christian, biblical setting

Feed, clothe and help find shelter for the homeless and indigent

This is a small abstract of what we do and by no means exhaustive. 


To contact the Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul use the contact page on this web site and place the word "Knights" in the subject line.

Someone will be in touch with you at the earliest convenience. 

This is the only method to initially contact the Holy Order of The Knights of St Paul organization for security purposes. 

© 2020 Sam Guido Evangelical Ministries International, inc

PO Box 74, Neffs Pa 18065

Incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a non profit/non stock entity. 

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